
The following guild will make a full import of the DBImport MySQL database into Hive under a database called dbimport. Pre-req for this Quickstart guide is that the installation described in Installing DBImport is executed and completed. The goal of the Quickstart is to show the basic setup of a complete database import including the schedule from Airflow.


In order to manipulate the DBImport configuration database, you will need a SQL tool that makes it easy to work with. A very common tool for this is HeidiSQL and that is what the author used when creating this Quickstart Guide

Database Connections

The first step for all imports is to create a connection to the source database that we will read the data from. This is done in the jdbc connections table. So create a new row in the jdbc_connection table with the following information





Replace <HOSTNAME> with the host that you are using for the DBImport database. Localhost is not valid here, as you dont know what node the sqoop command will be running on in Yarn.

Username and Password

The username and password is encrypted and stored in the jdbc_connection table together with JDBC connection string and other information. To encrypt and save the username and password, you need to run the manage command tool:

./manage --encryptCredentials

You will first get a question about what Database Connection that the username and password should be used on, and then the username and password itself. Use the following information for the questions

DataBase Connection



Username to connect to the DBImport config database


Password to connect to the DBImport config database

Once all three items are entered, the username and password will be encrypted and saved in the credentials column in jdbc_connections table. You can verify this by refreshing the table in the SQL tool to make sure that you got a cryptic string in the credentials column.

Testing connection

After the Database Connection is created, JDBC string is entered and username/password is encrypted and saved, you are ready to test the connection to make sure that DBImport can connect to the remote database.:

./manage --testConnection -a dbimport

Make sure that you get a Connected successfully message before you continue on this quickstart guide

Adding tables to import

Time to add tables that we are going to import. We will use the table search function for this. That means that we will connect to the source system using the JDBC connection we just configured and list what tables are available there and import them as tables to import. This is done by executing the following command:

./manage --addImportTable -a dbimport -h dbimport

The command options we use here is the following.


The connection alias we configured in jdbc_connections table


Name of the Hive database we will import to

Running the manage command will give you a list of all tables DBImport can find on the source database. As we are importing the DBImports own tables into Hive, this will be a list of all tables in DBImport. Answer ‘Yes’ on the validation question and DBImpoirt have now created definitions for the import of all tables in import*tables table.

Update import configuration

There are many options to configure for each and every table that we are importing. In order for this quickstart guide to work, we need to change one of the options to handle Primary Keys in the source system that are based on text columns. As this is small tables with just a couple of rows, the simplest way is to force sqoop to only use one mapper. By doing that, there will be no split and it doesnt mather if the Primary Key is a text columns or not. In order to force sqoop to use only one mapper, please update the following rows and columns. Without this, the imports will fail.


As this quickstart guide assumes that there is no other data in import_tables than what we just imported, another simple option is to force all mappers columns into 1 with update import_tables set mappers = 1. Doing this on a full production system is very very far from acceptable. But here and now, it’s a simple way to get forward without changing every row below individual





















































Running the first import

Connection to the source database is in place and we have added the tables to import to the import_tables table. We are now ready to test our first DBImport import. For this test, we will use the configuration table. To start the Import from command line, run the following:

./import -h dbimport -t configuration

The command options we use here is the following.


Name of the Hive database


Name of the Hive table

The result when the import command is completed is a full copy of the configuration table from the DBImport configuration database in Hive under dbimport.configuration. Verify this by running a select * from dbimport.configuration at any SQL prompt

Creating Airflow DAG

As we now know that we can import one table, lets automate the import of all the others. DBImport have a tight integration with Apache Airflow, and will generate the DAG’s automatically for you with the correct Tasks needed to import all the tables that you have selected. This will be executed in parallel with the paralallism that Airflow allows. In a production environment, the Airflow DAG folders needs to be available for DBImport to be able to update the DAG’s directly, but as this is a Quickstart guide, it’s not assumed or required. The important thing is that the DAG file can be copied from the DBImport folder to the Airflow DAG folder. Default location for the DAG to be generated is controlled by airflow_dag_staging_directory in the configuration table. Make sure that DBImport can write to files in that folder. It’s preferable if Airflow user can read from the same directory, but it’s not required for this guide

The first thing we need to do is to generate the definition for the Airflow DAG, and the selection of tables that the DAG shoould import. Create a row in the table airflow_import_dags with the following data.





After the DAG definition is created in the airflow_import_dags table, it’s time to actually create the Airflow DAG file. Before you do this, make sure that a variable is created in Airflow called Email_receiver with a valid email address. This will be the user receiving mails about DAG execution problems. If the variable doesnt exists, you will get errors in Airflow. To create the Airflow DAG file, run the following:

./manage --airflowGenerate --airflowDAG=DBImport_dbimport

The DAG file will now be created in the airflow_dag_staging_directory directory. If you want to wirte to the directory configured under airflow_dag_directory instead, just add -w or –airflowWriteDAG to the manage command and the file will end up there aswell.

Running Airflow DAG and fixing problems

The DAG is now visable in Airflow, but it’s most likely paused. Un-pause it and when ready, trigger the DAG to start (press the play button on the DAG row). The DAG will now start to run and after a while, depning on you cluster and Airflow size, the Tasks will begin to get dark-green indicating that they are successfully completed. But there will be one import that will be red or orange indicating that they failed or that they are up for retries.

Common problems with the tables we are trying to import

Hive table



Reserved column name ‘datalake_source’


Validation failed


Validation failed


Validation failed


Reserved column name ‘datalake_source’

Reserved column name

There are a number of column names that are reserved in DBImport. They all start with datalake_, and one of the is datalake_source. Problem is that this column is also used in a couple of tables in DBImport. To handle this, we need to rename the columns before the import and in this example we will rename them to dl_source.

  1. In HeidiSQL (or other SQL tools) list the rows in the import_columns table and filter for column_name = ‘datalake_source’

  2. Set column column_name_override to dl_source for both tables.

  3. Clear the import_tables_clearStage and jdbc_connections_clearStage Tasks in Airflow to force DBImport to start from the begining.

Validation failed

During import, one of the first thing that will happen is that DBImport will connect to the source system and read how many rows there are in the table. Then the sqoop import will start and later the tables will be imported into Hive. Problem here is that a number of tables we are trying to import logs stage information, statistics and so on so the number of rows will change. There are a couple of different ways to handle this, but we will in this guide change to use the number of rows that sqoop read as the truth of how many rows there are in the source system, instead of doing a “select count(1) from …. This will give us a more stable rowcount and validation will pass.

  1. In HeidiSQL (or other SQL tools) list the rows in the import_tables table and filter for the hive tables that failed in validation

  2. Set column validate_source to sqoop

  3. Clear the ????_clearStage Tasks in Airflow for the tables with validation errors to force DBImport to start from the begining.


This guide showed you how to do an initial connection to the source system, add the definition of tables to import and then create a DAG in Airflow and import all tables from the source system. Once you are familiar with DBImport, the entire process to ingest a complete SQL database into Hive is just a couple of minutes of work. Good luck with DBImport and keep on ingestion data into Hadoop!